We are having a blast cruising around Alaska on four wheels now, seeing the sights. We’ve spent several days down on the Kenai Peninsula, south of Anchorage. Went down to the "End of the Road" at Homer, AK and had some fresh Kachemak Bay oysters. Wow! Spent the day today (Tu 7/16) waiting for the bears to show up and eat all the salmon jumping the rapids at Russian River Falls. Saw lots of fish – no bears. Tomorrow we take a 26-Glacier catamaran tour out of Whittier, AK, then ferry over to Valdez, AK. Never been there, so looking forward to that!
The glaciers are awesome! We were in Anchorage and Fairbanks and drove to one of the glaciers. Tom’s uncle was a bush pilot so he was able to fly us over some also…I still remember how breathtaking it was.! Enjoy the adventures!
I am so humbled to have had this opportunity to see the country through your eyes. Thank you so much for sharing all of your adventure!