Day 25 Pictures

Self-portrait at Racing River

Early morning clouds at Racing River

The Racing River bridge, Mile Post 417

Farewell to the Racing River

Breakfast at Toad River Cafe

How many moose can you see in this picture?

Approaching Folded Mountain

The Folded Mountain

The bullet-riddled Folded Mountain sign

Following the Toad River upstream to Muncho Lake Park

Edwin from Holland

Crossing the Toad River

What do you get when you cross a Toad with a bicycle? To the other side, silly!

Bike-cam view of me on the 6-mile climb to Muncho Lake Park

The Sentinels guard Munch Lake Park

Lunch at the Double-G Cafe, Muncho Lake

Visit beautiful Munch Lake Provincial Park!

Flanking the Rocky Mountains

There used to be a road here!

Following the Muncho River down the mountain to the Liard River

The Liard River Bridge... made from metal salvaged from the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, "Galloping Gertie". (Look it up...)

Too hot for the Hot Springs today...

Camping beside Whirlpool Canyon on the Liard River, 4 miles north of Cola River, BC

The Whirlpool

Ooooh... what awesome power!

The campsite at Whirlpool Canyon



Who is Edwin?

"Edwin has biked eastward around the world from Holland to Muncho in 16 months!!"