Day 20 Pictures

The Alaska Hwy starts here! Mile Post 0, Dawson Creek, BC

Mile Post 0, Alaska Hwy (taken by Brenda)

Brenda & Ken of the "0 Mile Gift Store"

Jan & Lili from Belgium (see info below)

At Mile Post 12 (photo by Jan)

Crossing the Kiskatinaw River at MP20

Peace River Historical Sign

Road construction on the downhill to Peace River Valley

The 1-mile-long Peace River Bridge

The Peace River Valley and town of Taylor

Riding on the narrow sidewalk, not the metal grated bridge!

Captain... there be moose here!

Who are Jan & Lili?

"I met a couple from Belgium, Jan and Lili, who are biking around the WORLD! The started in NYC and followed pretty much my same route from Yellowstone on up. I'm traveling a good bit faster than they are. Belgium allows its citizens to take as much as a 5-year leave from their job and they are guaranteed the same job at the same pay when they return, all benefits remain in effect. They have a website, too at (in Belgian)"